9月4日上午,Matthew Hill教授和Xavier Mulet教授应邀访问万博man手机客户端app ,在科技创新大楼A506分别做了以“多孔材料近期进展:诱导释放和抗老化膜”和“利用金属有机骨架的仿生物矿化”为主题的万博manbetx官网在线登录 。本次报告由万博man手机客户端app 孙林兵教授主持,实验室部分教师和研究生参加了报告会。
在场师生对Matthew Hill教授和Xavier Mulet教授的报告内容兴趣浓厚,众多老师和同学们也都相继提问和两位教授进行了热烈交流。

Prof. Matthew Hill:
Associate Professor Matthew Hill is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and the Winner of a 2014 Australian Prime Minister’s Prize for Science. Matthew leads an interdisciplinary team of researchers that are actively involved with industry partners to bring exciting discoveries in the laboratory to market. He graduated from UNSW chemistry in 2006 with a PhD under Prof Robert Lamb and presently holds a joint position between Monash and CSIRO.
Prof. Xavier Mulet:
Dr Xavier Mulet is the research Team Leader of the Applied Porous Materials team at CSIRO that has developed a platform technology position in a group of materials known as Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs). Dr Mulet is an expert in the use of biomolecules and porous materials for advanced applications.
Dr Xavier Mulet’s team of interdisciplinary researchers are actively involved with industry partners to bring exciting discoveries in the laboratory to application and to the market. Dr Mulet has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles, he is a co-inventor on 5 patents with more than 1500 citations.